

Top 15+ HTML Important Interview Question & Answer



Top 15+ HTML Important Interview Question &Answer

1) What is a website? Write some examples.

Ans.  A collection of web pages is known as Website. For example, an organization Website can have a number of web pages such as home, about us, contact us. the website provides particular information to the user. 

Some Famous website name:,, etc.

2) Define Webpage?

Ans. The webpage is a document that is normally written in HTML. A web page can store any information such as text, graphics, audio, video, etc.

3) What is HTML?

Ans. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.HTML is the bone of website and front end language. In simple words, HTML is a way to tell a browser how to display a web page.  HTML was first developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990.The latest version of HTML is HTML5.   HTML helps we can make different types of static web pages.

4) Is HTML is Case sensitive language?

Ans. No. HTML is a case-insensitive language, which means we can use tags in either in lower case or upper case.

5) Define Tag in Html?

Ans.HTML tags are work like keywords.HTML tag helps browsers can differ between simple and  HTML content.   HTML tag ensures how the web browser displays the content.
    HTML Tag contains three-part: 

  1) Opening Tag 

  2) Content Tag   

  3) Closing Tag

6) What are the comments used in HTML?

Ans. To understand the code easily, we can add code comments in the HTML document. The code is not visible to the user. Comments help in the future when you edit the source code or maintain the code.

There are two types of code in HTML:

1.Single Line Comment:  <!--This is Single Line Comment-- >

2.Multi-Line Comment:  <!-- The multi-line comment is useful

                          for multiple lines

         Paragraph element  -->

 7) What is Heading in HTML?

Ans. The heading is used to highlighting important content.<h1> heading defines the most important heading.<h6> heading defines the least important heading. 

Html provide 6 different types of heading from <h1> to < h6>. 

8) What is <p> Tag in HTML?

Ans.In HTML <p> tag define paragraph of text.<p> tag must requried start tag and end tag.


                        <p> This is simple paragraph we can write anything here</p>

9) Define <br> tag, <b> tag, <hr> tag and <q> tag?

Ans<br> tag: In HTML br tag is used to breaks the line or separate the line.

         Syntax: EX. <p>This is the first line<br>This is the Second line</p>

<b> tag: b tag means bold it is used to display the text in bold style.

Syntax: EX. 

<p> This is normal paragraph<b>This text letter is bold or dark</b></p>

<hr> tag: hr stands for the horizontal rule. It is used to create the horizontal line or add the section or line in the text.

Syntax: EX. 

<p>This is simple paragraph</p>


<p>This is another paragraph</p>

<q> tag: In html <q> tag is an inline element. It is used to define a short quotation.

Syntax: EX. 

<p>WWW stand for:<q>World Wide Web</q></p>

10) Write the difference between div and span Tag ?





The <div> tag is block level element.


The <span> tag is an inline element.

The <div> tag take the  100% width of the parent element.

The <span> tag take the width of the content or elements within them.



11) What is an Anchor Tag?

Ans. In Html <a> tag is called Anchor Tag. An anchor tag is used to define a link from source to destination tag. We can create hyperlinks using the anchor tag.

Hyperlink: Hyperlink is a link between webpages and it is used to connect one page to another page.

Syntax with Example 

         <a href="url  of the page">Link or page Name can put anything</a>


 <a href="">Click here for RoyalInterviewer</a>


12) Explain the Table tag in HTML?

Ans.If we want to represent data in tabular form so we can use the table tag in HTML. In Html table tag helps we can create a database, compare data, arrange data into rows and columns.
The most important HTML Table tag are:
1.table: It is used for creating the table or define the table. In the table, any row is defined by tr tag. It defines a header cell in a table. In Html, table td shows the a cell in a table.








<tr> <td>1</td>





<td>2</td> <td>Deepa</td> <td>Female</td> 



13) Define HTML List?

Ans. HTML list is a group of related items.

 There are 3 types of lists in HTML.
1.Ordered list: ordered list display elements in number format and ordered list starts with the <ol> tag.
2.Unordered list: Unordered list displays elements in a bulleted format. Unordered list is represented by <ul> tag.
3.Description list: 

It is used to display the definition of each item.

 The <dl>, <dt> and <dd> tags are used in Description list.

14) What is a Style Sheet?

Ans. A style sheet is used to create a consistent, transportable, and well-designed layout style of a document. style sheet contains the property of a document's layout, such as the page size, margins, fonts and font sizes etc.

 15) What is a marquee?

Ans. Marquee is used for the scrolling text or image on a web page.  Marquee scrolls the image or text from horizontally right to left or left to right, Or vertically top to bottom or bottom to top.

Marquee tag is used to show breaking news or breaking post or headlines.

16) What is the image in Html?

Ans. Html image is used to add images on a webpage. <image> tag must have least two attributes: the src attribute, and an alt attribute.

  src: The src attribute tells the browser where to find the image.

  alt: The alt attribute provides an alternative text for the image if the image is not displayed so some meaningful text display.


<!DOCTYPE html>


    <title>Images tag example</title>



 <img src="url of image, path with jpg or png format " alt="image  related text " style="width: --px; height: --px;">



17) What is the use of Html form?

Ans. Html form is used to collect the data from the user. The data are name, phone number, email, etc information. In Html, the form provides various kinds of elements to control the information and collect the information.

 The very useful form element is-
 1.Input Element
 2.Text Fields
 4.File Select box
 6.Select Boxes
 7.Submit and Reset Buttons
 8.fieldset element.& 9.Radio Button Control& 

 18) What is the extension for the HTML page?

Ans. The extension for HTML page is htm or .html.

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