Top 80+ Java Interview Questions and Answers for Fresher
Core Java Interview Questions and Answers
1.) What is Java?
Ans). Java is a high-level, robust,
object-oriented, and secure, and stable programming language. Java was developed
by James Ghosling, Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems Inc. in
1991. To develop the first version it takes 18 months.
The first name of this new language is Oak but
in 1995 it's renamed called java.
The Main Uses of Java Applications are:
• Java is used to develop Mobile applications (mostly Android apps)
• To create Desktop applications
• Web applications
• Web servers and application servers
• Games
• Database connection
• Enterprises systems
2) Writes the features of Java?
Ans. The main features of java
1) Simple
2) Object-Oriented
3) Platform Independent
4) Secure & Portable
5) Multi-Threading
6) High Performance
7) Architectural Neutral
3.) Why Java is called
platform-independent language?
Ans- Java programs can run on any OS(operating system) or
processor. This bytecode is sent to Java virtual machine (JVM) which resides in
the RAM of any operating system. JVM recognizes the platform it is on and
converts the bytecodes into native machine code. Hence java is called
platform-independent language
4.) Define the platform?
Ans - A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a piece of software is executed. There are two types of platforms, software-based and hardware-based. Java provides a software-based platform.
5.) Why Java is not 100%
Ans. Java is not 100% Object-oriented because it makes use
of eight primitive data types such as boolean, byte, char, int, float, double,
long, short which are not objects.
6. ) What Is Object-Oriented Programming?
Ans. Object-oriented programming is a way of organizing programs as a collection of objects, each of which represents an instance of a class.
The 4 main concepts of Object-Oriented programming are:
a. Abstraction
b. Encapsulation
c. Inheritance
d. Polymorphism
7.) What is an object?
Ans. The Object is the real-time entity having some state and behaviour. In Java, an object is an instance of the
class having the instance variables like the state of the object and the
methods as the behaviour of the object. The object of a class can be created by
using the new keyword.
8.) What is a package in Java? List down
various advantages of packages.
Ans. Packages in Java, are the collection of related classes and interfaces which are bundled together. By using packages, developers can easily modularize the code and optimize its reuse. Also, the code within the packages can be imported by other classes and reused.
Below I have
listed down a few of its advantages:
• Packages help in avoiding name clashes
• They provide easier access control on the code
• Packages can also contain hidden classes which are not visible to the outer
classes and only used within the package
• Creates a proper hierarchical structure which makes it easier to locate the
related classes
9.) What is the JIT compiler in Java?
Ans. JIT stands for Just-In-Time compiler in Java.
It is a program that helps in converting the Java bytecode into instructions that
are sent directly to the processor. By default, the JIT compiler is enabled in
Java and is activated whenever a Java method is invoked. The JIT compiler then
compiles the bytecode of the invoked method into native machine code, compiling
it “just in time” to execute. Once the method has been compiled, the JVM
summons the compiled code of that method directly rather than interpreting it.
This is why it is often responsible for the performance optimization of Java
applications at the run time.
10.) What is an object in Java and how is it created?
Ans. An object is a real-world entity that has a
state and behavior.
the object has three characteristics:
1. State
2. Behavior
3. Identity
An object is created using the ‘new’ keyword. For example:
ClassName obj = new ClassName();
11.) Define a Java Class?
Ans. A class in Java is a blueprint that includes all your
data. A class contains fields (variables) and methods to describe the behaviour
of an object.
12). Why is Java both Interpreted and Compiled
Ans. A compiler is a program that converts a
program from one level of language to another. Example conversion of the C++
program into machine code. The java compiler converts high-level java code into
bytecode (which is also a type of machine code). An interpreter is a program
that converts a program at one level to another programming language at the
same level. Example conversion of Java program into C++
In Java, the Just In Time Code generator converts the bytecode into the native
machine code which is at the same programming levels. Hence, Java is both
compiled as well as an interpreted language.
13). Explain JDK, JRE, and JVM?
Ans. JDK – Java
Development Kit (in short JDK) is Kit which provides the environment to develop
and execute(run) the Java program. JDK is a kit(or package) which includes two things
1. Development Tools(to provide an environment to develop your java programs)
2. JRE (to execute your java program).
Note: JDK is only used by Java Developers
JRE – Java Runtime Environment is an installation
package that provides the environment to only run(not develop) the java
program(or application)onto your machine. JRE is only used by them who only
want to run the Java Programs i.e. end-users of your system.
JVM-Java Virtual Machine(JVM) is a virtual machine that
provides a runtime environment to execute java byte code. The JVM doesn't
understand Java typo, that's why you compile your *.java files to obtain
*.class files that contain the bytecodes understandable by the JVM. JVM control
the execution of every Java program. It enables features such as automated
exception handling, Garbage-collected heap.
14.) What is a classloader in Java?
Ans. The Java ClassLoader is a subset of JVM (Java Virtual Machine) that is responsible for loading the class files. Whenever a Java program is executed it is first loaded by the classloader.
Java provides three built-in classloaders:
1. Bootstrap ClassLoader
2. Extension ClassLoader
3. System/Application ClassLoader
15.) Explain Byte Code Verifier?
Ans. The JVM puts the code through the Byte Code
Verifier that checks the format and checks for an illegal code. Illegal code,
for example, is code that violates access rights on objects or violates the
implementation of pointers.
16.) What are wrapper classes in Java?
Ans. Wrapper classes convert the Java primitives
into the reference types (objects). Every primitive data type has a class
dedicated to it. These are known as wrapper classes because they “wrap” the
primitive data type into an object of that class. Refer to the below image
which displays the different primitive types, wrapper class, and constructor
17.) What are access modifiers in Java?
Ans. In Java, access modifiers are special keywords that are used to restrict the access of a class, constructor, data member, and method in another class.
supports four types of access modifiers:
1. Default
2. Private
3. Protected
4. Public
18.) What is Java Type Casting?
Ans. Casting is a process of changing one type of value to another type. In Java, we can cast one type of value to another type. It is known as typecasting.
In Java, there are two types of casting:
• Widening Casting (automatically) or Implicit - converting a smaller type to a
larger type size byte -> short -> char -> int -> long -> float
-> double
• Narrowing Casting (manually) or Explicitly - converting a larger type to a
smaller size type double -> float -> long -> int -> char ->
short -> byte
19.) Define Java Array and Features of Array?4
Ans. An array is a collection of similar data types. An array is a container object that holds values of a homogeneous type. It is also known as a static data structure because the size of an array must be specified at the time of its declaration. Array starts from zero index and goes to n-1 where n is the length of the array. Array can be single dimensional or multidimensional in Java.
Features of Array
• It is always indexed. Index begins from 0.
• It is a collection of similar data types.
• It occupies a contiguous memory location.
• It allows accessing elements randomly.
20.) Define a Jagged Array?
Ans. A jagged array is an array that has different
numbers of columns elements. In java, a jagged array means to have a
multi-dimensional array with an uneven size of columns in it.
OOPS Interview Questions and Answers
21) Define Object-Oriented Programming and also write the
benefits of Object-Oriented Programming?
Ans. Object-Oriented Programming is a concept which is based on "object".This Object contains data and methods. The main purpose of object-Oriented Programming is to improve flexibility and reduce the code.
of Object-Oriented Programming:-
The main uses of Object-Oriented concept is to increase the productivity for
software development.
2. Improved software maintainability
3.With the help of OOPS, we can create Low cost of software development
4. Object-oriented programming helps we can create good quality-wise. software
5. Code can be reused through inheritance thereby reducing redundancy
6. OOPs provide the function like data hiding, that reason private data is kept
22) Write
the limitations of OOPs?
Ans. It takes longer to solve the problem. Proper planning is required. Programmers should think about solving a problem in the context of objects that are generally not suitable for small problems.
23) Write the difference
between Procedural Programming and Object-Oriented Programming?
Ans.The main
difference between Procedural Programming and Object-Oriented Programming are-
No. |
Procedural Programming |
Object-Oriented Programming |
1 |
procedural programming, the program is divided into small parts called
functions. |
object-oriented programming, the program is divided into small parts called
objects |
2 |
programming follows top-down approach |
programming follows a bottom-up approach. |
3 |
procedural programming there is no access specifier. |
programming has different types of access specifier like public, private, protected,
etc. |
4 |
Procedural programming adding new data and functions is not easy. |
Object-oriented programming adding new data and functions is easy. |
5 |
programming is less secure because it's does not have any proper way of data
hiding |
programming is more secure because it provides data hiding |
6 |
is not possible in Procedural programming. |
is possible in object-oriented programming. |
7 |
function is more important than data in the procedural programming language. |
data is more important than function in an object-oriented programming
language. |
8 |
working principle of Procedural programming is based on the unreal world. |
working principle of Procedural programming is based on the real world. |
9 |
FORTRAN, Pascal, C, FORTRAN etc. |
C++, Java, C#, Python, etc |
24) Write the OOPs
concepts in Java and also write the Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming?
OOps, Concept in Java are-
a) Object
b) Class
c) Polymorphism
d) Inheritance
e) Encapsulation
f) Message Passing
g) Abstraction
h) Method
Pillars of Oops:
The main 4 Pillars of oops are-
1) Inheritance
2) Encapsulation
3) Polymorphism
4) Abstraction.
25) Write the difference
between a class and an object?
The main difference between class and an object is-
No. |
Class |
Object |
1 |
is a blueprint from which object is created |
object is the instance of a class. |
2 |
is declared with the help of class keyword e.g. class Student{} |
is created using a new keyword e.g. Student s1=new Student(); |
3 |
class is a logical entity. |
object is a physical entity |
4 |
class does not take memory space when created. |
take memory space when they are created |
Some real-life examples of class and object in java
if Class: Mobile
phone Object: iPhone, Samsung, Moto
Class: Fruit
Object: Apple, Banana, Mango, Guava
26)Define inheritance in
Ans. The process by
which one class acquires the properties and functionalities of another class is
called inheritance. In simple words, one class drive from another class called
The main uses of inheritance in programming are code reusability.
27) What are the different
types of inheritance in java?
Ans. There are
mainly 4 types of inheritance in java are-
1)Single inheritance
2) Multilevel inheritance
3) Hierarchical Inheritance
4) Hybrid Inheritance
28) Why Java doesn't
support multiple inheritances?
Ans.Java doesn’t allow multiple inheritance to avoid the ambiguity caused( confusion ) by it. If we use multiple inheritance in java it raises the diamond shape problem, to prevent such type of problem java doesn't support multiple inheritance.
29) Define constructor and
also writes the different types of constructors?
Ans. A constructor is a special type of method that has the same name as the class and is used to initialize objects of that class.
Types of Constructors:
There are mainly 5 types of Constructors they are-
1) Parameterized constructor
2) Default, constructor
3) Copy constructor
4) Static constructor
5) Private constructor
30) Define a destructor?
Ans. A destructor is a special method that is automatically invoked when an object is destroyed.
31) Define polymorphism?
Ans. Polymorphism in Java is a concept by which we can perform a single action in different ways. Polymorphism has come from 2 greek words: poly and morphs. The word "poly" means many and "morphs" means forms. So polymorphism means many forms. In simple words "The word polymorphism means having many forms".
Example:- Real-life example of polymorphism:
A person at the same time can have different characteristic. As women at the
same time is a mother, a wife, an employee. So the same person posses different
behaviour in different situations. This is called polymorphism.
32) What are the
different types of polymorphism?
There are mainly 2 types of polymorphism they are-
a) Static Polymorphism is also known as compile-time Polymorphism
b) Dynamic Polymorphism is also known as Runtime Polymorphism
33) Define Compile time
Polymorphism and Runtime Polymorphism in java?
Compile-time Polymorphism:- Polymorphism which is resolved during compiler time is
known as static polymorphism or Compile time polymorphism. Method overloading
is an example of compile-time polymorphism.
Runtime Polymorphism:- Runtime polymorphism is a process in which a call
to an overridden method is resolved at runtime, that's why it is called runtime
polymorphism. An example of runtime polymorphism is method overriding.
34) Write the difference
between Method overloading and Method overridden in Java?
The main difference between Method overloading and Method overridden are-
No. |
Method overloading |
Method overridden |
1 |
or more methods having the same name but different parameters or signature is
called method overloading. |
class redefining methods present in the base class with the same parameters/
signature called method overriding |
2 |
overloading is Resolved during compile-time |
overridden Resolved during runtime |
3 |
overloading gives better performance |
overridden Performance-wise Overriden is not good |
4 |
overloading is the example of compile-time polymorphism. |
overriding is the example of run time polymorphism. |
35) Define Encapsulation
in java?
Ans. The process of binding the data and property into a single unit is called encapsulation. Encapsulation helps us can achieve data hiding and prevent the data from outside. The encapsulate class is easy to test, so it is also better for unit testing.
36) Write the advantages
of Encapsulation in java?
The main advantages of Encapsulation are-
1) Encapsulation provide better control of class attributes and methods.
2) Encapsulation provide flexibility for a programmer it means the programmer
can change one part of the code without affecting other parts.
3) Encapsulation helps data hiding achieve so, it's improved security of data.
37) Define Abstraction in
Ans. Abstraction is a process where shows only “relevant” data and “hide” unnecessary details of an object from the user. The main purpose of abstraction is to hide the unnecessary details from the users.
38) Write some real-time
example of Abstraction?
Ans.First Example: The
ATM machine as a real-time example. We all use an ATM machine for cash
withdrawal, money transfer, retrieve min-statement, etc in our daily life. But
we don’t know internally what things are happening inside the ATM machine when
you insert an ATM card for performing any kind of operation.
Second Example: When you need to send SMS from your mobile, you
only type the text and send the message. But you don’t know the internal
processing about the message delivery.
39) How to achieve
Abstraction in Java?
There are 2 ways which help we can achieve Abstraction in java-
a. Abstract class (0 to 100%)
b. Interface (100%)
40) Define Abstract Class
in Java?
Ans. A class that is
declared using an “abstract” keyword is known as abstract class. It can have
abstract methods(methods without body) as well as concrete methods (regular
methods with the body).
" An abstract class can not be instantiated, which means you are not
allowed to create an object of it."
41) Define Abstract
Methods in Java?
Ans. A method without a body is known as an Abstract Method. It must be declared in an abstract class. The abstract method will never be final because the abstract class must implement all the abstract methods.
42) Write the advantage of
Abstract class in Java?
Ans. The main advantages of the Abstract class are- 1. The abstract class makes programming better and more flexible by giving the scope of implementing abstract methods. 2. The programmer can implement an abstract method to perform different tasks depending on the need. 3. With the help of abstract class we can easily manage code.
43) Write the difference
between Abstraction and Encapsulation?
Ans. The main
difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation are-
No. |
Abstraction |
Encapsulation |
1 |
solves the issues at the design level. |
solves its implementation level. |
2 |
is about hiding unwanted details while showing the most essential
information. |
means binding the code and data into a single unit. |
3 |
Abstraction allows
focussing on what the information object must contain |
Encapsulation means
hiding the internal details or mechanics of how an object does something for
security reasons |
Exception Handling Interview Questions and Answers
44) Define Exception in
Ans. An exception is an abnormal event of a program that disturbs
the normal flow of the program and the program gets terminated.
In simple words"An unexpected behavior of an object that stops the normal the flow of program called Exception".
45) Define Exception
Ans. Exception handling is the process where we have to handle
Exception during the runtime period which helps continue the normal flow of the
program. Exception handling ensures the smooth execution of the program.
46) Write the Real-time
example of Exception handling?
Ans. The Real-time example of Exception handling is-
1)If we are traveling from Bangalore to Pune by car,
after traveling mid-distance tire of the car is punctured this
is called exception (an unwanted event which stops the
Journey), but we keep Stepney(extra tire) which help our journey continues.
The Stepney(extra tire) which helps our journey continues and
completed called exception handling.
2)If we are watching a movie on a mobile phone but suddenly the network
problem occurs which helps we can't continue the movie(Exception),
but we have dual sim phone so, the 2nd sim helps us
continue the movie this is called exception handling.
47) Write the difference
between Exception and Error?
Ans. The difference between Exception and Error are-
No. |
Exception |
Error |
1 |
Exception are raised by programmer
in a maximum of the time. |
Error is generated if we don’t
have proper system requirement such as memory leak, sufficient memory not
available for application. |
2 |
We can handle the exception, which
means the exception is recoverable. |
If can’t handle the error, that
means the error is recoverable. |
3 |
An Exception can be checked as
well as unchecked type. |
Error in unchecked type. |
48) Write the types of exceptions in java?
Ans. There are 2 types of exception in java they are-
a)Checked exceptions
b)Unchecked exceptions.
49) Define Checked and
Unchecked exceptions?
Ans. Checked exception: The exception which is
checked by the compiler for the normal flow of the program is called a checked
Example: IOException, ClassNotFoundException, etc are
checked exception.
Unchecked exception: The exception which
occurs during runtime and this exception not checked by
the compiler is called an Unchecked exception.
Example: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ,Arithmetic Exception
50) Write the all keyword
names for which is used for Exception handling?
Ans. There are 5 keywords which help we can handle the
exception they are-
51) Define a try-catch block in exception?
Ans.Try-Catch: Try is a block where
we can find exceptions. Try is a block that is always associated with a catch
block or finally blocks.
The catch block is used to control or handle the exception.
We must use the catch block after the try block.
try{ int x=50;
int y=0;
int z=x/y; //Exception occurs
} catch(ArithmeticException e)
52) Define throw keyword
in Exception?
Ans. The throw keyword in java is used to throw an unwanted event
(exception) explicitly. In custom exception, checked or unchecked exception we
can use throw keyword for handling exception.
53) Write the distinction
between throw and throws keyword?
Ans. The main difference between throw and throws are-
throw |
throws |
The main use of the throw keyword is to throw an unwanted event
(exception) explicitly. |
we want to declare an exception during execution time so use the throws
keyword. |
2)throw the
keyword can throw only one exception at a time. |
throws keyword we can declare multiple exception with the help of
separated by a comma. |
the method body throw keyword is declared. |
keyword in java is used with method s method declaration or signature. |
throw keyword syntax include the instance of the exception to be thrown |
throws keyword syntax includes the class names of the exception to be thrown. |
54) What is the
superclass or parent class of all exception types in java?
Ans. Throwable class is a superclass of all exception types in
55) Write the difference
between Final, Finally, and Finalize?
56) How we can handle the
Ans. There are 2 main ways which help we can handle the
a) With the help of a try-catch block.
b) With the help of throws keyword.
57) How we handle the
user define exception?
Ans. Using Throws keywords helps us handle
the user-defined exception.
58) Define Arithmetic
exception in java?
Ans. Whenever an integer is divided
by zero we get an exception this type of exception is called an Arithmetic
Multithreading Interview Questions and Answers
59) Define thread in java?
Ans. A lightweight process is called a thread. The thread is a specific independent path of execution. Thread is commonly known as the user define the task.
60) How we can create
a thread in java?
Ans. There are 2ways that helps we can create a thread in
java they are-
a)By implementing the Runnable interface.
b)By extending the Thread class.
61) Define Multithreading
in java?
Ans. Multithreading is the process where we have to execute more
than one thread at a time. In multithreading, each and every thread is a
separate individual process of the same application. Multithreading is useful
in Animation, gaming applications like the NFS game.
62) Explain Multitasking
and also write types of Multitasking?
Ans. Executing more than one task simultaneously(at the same
time) is called multitasking.
There are mainly 2 types of Multitasking they are-
a)Process-based multitasking
b)Thread based multitasking.
63) Write the difference
between Process and Thread?
Ans. The main difference between Process and Thread are-
64) Write the advantage of
Ans. The main advantages of Multithreading are maximum
utilization of CPU that helps reduce the total response time and improve the
performance. Multithreading helps we can perform multiple operations at the
same time and save time.
65) Write the name of the
Thread life cycle stage in java?
Ans. There are 5 stages of the Thread
life cycle they are-
66) Explain the Daemon
Ans. A thread that is executing in the background and created by
JVM is called a Daemon thread. isDaemon() method helps us
check the thread is Daemon or not. The main uses of the Daemon thread are to
provide the support for non-daemon threads. In Java Daemon is a low priority
thread that is running automatically. Example: Garbage
67) Define
Synchronization in java?
Ans. Synchronization is a technique that provides control of
the access of multiple threads to any shared resource. The main purpose of
Synchronization is to prevent inconsistencies in the results
and prevent thread interference.
68) Writes the types of
Ans. There are mainly 2 types of Synchronization they are-
1) Process Synchronization
2) Thread Synchronization.
69) Define Deadlock in
Ans. A state where two threads or more than two threads are
waiting for each other to release locks is called Deadlock condition.
70) It is possible to
synchronize the constructor?
Ans.No, it's not possible to synchronize the constructor.
71) Which method helps
thread can communicate with each other?
Ans. By using wait(), notify(), notifyAll() methods help
thread can communicate with each other.
72) It is possible to
make a user thread to the Daemon thread if yes so write the syntax.?
Ans. Yes, it is possible to make user thread to Daemon thread. By
calling setDaemon() method helps we can make a user thread to the daemon
73) It is possible to
create a thread twice in java?
Ans. No, it's not possible to create a thread twice
in java.
Collections Interview Questions and Answers
Ans. A group of individual objects which represented
as a single unit called Collection. In other words, an object that collects
different elements into a single unit known as Collection. The collection helps
we can store data and manipulate data. Java Collection involves classes
and interfaces that help it perform insertion, deletion, manipulation,
searching and sorting operation.
75) Write the advantages
of the Collection Framework?
Ans. Advantages of Collection Framework:
A)Java Collection framework provides a Consistent API.
B)Collection Framework provides powerful data structures and algorithms which
help it reduce the programming effort.
C)It increase the program speed and improve performance and also increase
76) Write the name of Key
Interfaces of the Java Collection framework?
Ans. There are 9 Key Interfaces of the java Collection
framework they are-
A) Collection
B) List
C) Set
D) SortedSet
E) NavigableSet
F) Queue
G) Map
H) SortedMap
I) NavigableMap.
77) Define Generic
collections in java?
Ans. A collection which is allows the datatype to pass as
parameters to the class known as Generic Collection. Generic Collection
introduced by Java 5 so it provides some new features
1) It provides strong compile-time type checking
2) It is a type-safe and explicit casting of objects.
In the collection, ClassCastException is
a very common exception, so Generic collection overcome
the risk of ClassCastException this is the greatest
advantage of Generic Collection in java.
78) Write the difference
between Arrays and Collection?
Ans. The difference between Arrays and Collection are-
No. |
Array |
Collection |
1 |
Arrays can
hold only similar type (homogeneous ) types of
data. |
can hold both similar types and different types of data. |
Arrays Size is fixed it means if we created an array we can’t change
the size of the array. |
size is not fixed it means size is growable, we can increase or decrease the
size of the collection. |
3 |
point of view Array is good because it is faster than the collection. |
performance point of view collection is not good because it is
slower than an Array. |
4 |
Memory purpose
array does not suggest because array consumes more memory. |
The collection is
suggested for memory purposes because collection consumes less memory. |
79) Write the difference
between Collection and Collections in java?
Ans. The main difference between Collection and Collections
No. |
Collection |
Collections |
1 |
collection is an interface. |
are utility class. |
2 |
we want to represent an individual object as a single entity then we
use Collection. |
are defined as various utility methods for collections objects.such as
Searching. Sorting etc. |
80) Write the difference
between ArrayList and Vector?
Ans. The main difference between ArrayList and Vector are-
No. |
ArrayList |
Vector |
1 |
Introduced in JDK1.2, so it is not a legacy class. |
Vector is
introduced with old version 1.0 so it is a legacy class. |
2 |
method present in ArrayList is not synchronized. |
of the Method present in Vector is synchronized |
3 |
List is not thread-safe. |
is by default thread-safe. |
4 |
point of view ArrayList Works fast. |
point of view Vector Works slow. |
5 |
In an
array list increment size is not defined. |
Vector increment size is defined. |
81) Write the difference
between Array and ArrayList?
Ans. The main difference between Array and ArrayList are-
No. |
Array |
ArrayList |
1 |
size of the Array is fixed it, means we can not change the size. |
size of the ArrayList is not fixed it means we can change the size. |
2 |
Array store both primitives and Objects in Java. |
List can store the only objects. |
3 |
array is a static type. |
List is a dynamic type. |
4 |
is not supported indexOf() ,remove() method. |
List is supported indexOf(),remove() method. |
82) Write the difference
between List and Set?
Ans. The main difference between List and Set are-
No. |
List |
Set |
1 |
java Collection Framework an ordered collection of elements is called a
List. |
java collection Framework an unordered collection of elements is called Set |
2 |
List duplicate values are allowed. |
Set duplicates values are not allowed. |
83) Write the
difference between List and Map?
Ans. The difference between List and Map are-
No. |
List |
Map |
1 |
is the Collection of the element which comes from java. util package. |
of key-value pairs is called Maps which is come from java. util package. |
2 |
we want to store multiple null values so we use List. |
we want to store only one null key so we use Map but multiple null values are
also allowed in Map. |
84) Write the name of the class which is available in Set?
Ans. The classes which are available in the set are-
a) HashSet
b) LinkedHashSet
c) TreeSet.
85) Write the name of the class which is available List?
Ans. The classes which are available in the List are-
a) ArrayList
b) LinkedList
c) Vector
d) Stack
86) Write the difference
between Hashtable and HashMap?
Ans. The main difference between Hashtable and HashMap are-
No. |
HashTable |
HashMap |
1 |
HashTable is synchronized. |
is not synchronized. |
2 |
Table is a thread-safe. |
is not thread-safe. |
3 |
comes with an older version of java so it is a legacy class in java. |
is introduced with jdk1.2 so it is not a legacy class. |
4 |
point of view HashTable is slow. |
point of view HashMap is faster than HashTable. |
87) Define treemap in the
Ans. To customize the sorting of the value we use
TreeMap. TreeMap's working principle is based on a red-black tree data
structure. To create a Treemap, we need to create an object of the
TreeMap class. The main uses of TreeMap is always maintaining the
sorting order.
88) Explain List
interface in java?
Ans. An ordered collection of elements is known as the List
interface. List interface maintains the insertion order and also stores the
duplicates values. It has come from java. util package.
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